Tupaea Short Films
We completed 4 short animated films for Auckland Museum's Tupaea and the Endeavour exhibition. The idea behind these films was to have an almost pop up paper-book type look to the stye and delivery. Each film highlights an interaction by Captain Cook and Tupaea with children, told from modern times looking back. There is a mixture of English, Māori and Tahitian languages throughout the films. They can all be viewed in the links below.
Te Horetā Te Taniwha meets Captain Cook
Hinematioro: a warm welcome at Ūawa
Taiata and the naming of Cape Kidnappers
Young Nick spots Aotearoa
Project Credits
Bradley Walker
Matt Pitt
Andrea Kahukiwa
Te Reo Māori Consultant
Dave Kaire
Tahitian Consultant
Are Raimbault
Munro Te Whata
Voice Artists
Lulu Kahukiwa
Levi Marinner-Blackmore
Hinewai Kahukiwa
Roger Shakes
Steve Salmond
Are Raimbault
David Kaire
Bradley Walker
Audio Post
Native Audio
Alisa Poltovskaya
Mila Krasnova
Lisa Cooper
Auckland Museum